My 33rd bday was yesterday. Day went ok, was just a normal day really. Josue went to work. Then he came home and cooked rice, bbq'd pork and bbq beans. Nothing real special but he cooked it after he spent all day in the heat grilling for other people at work. So that's what made it special. We don't exchange gifts because we don't have the money and like he says we would just buy each other things we don't need or want really. So on his bday (he's a twin) I bake a cake for both of them (bil lives here) and cook a nice meal something they both like a lot. And he cooked for me this year. My sister sent me this cute Anne Geddes card and the other sister emailed me and sent me a smileygram (i think that's what it was called) but it had pics of the kids and the 4 of us sisters together it was sweet and brought a smile to my face. My mother called and sent me a card and well i didn't hear from my father. But the kicker is what my best friend did. Let me give you some history here. Hold on it gets confusing.
Lisa and I met at Six Flags the year I was 15. There was a dance club there and we just happened to be dancing in the same group and started talking. We realized we lived just blocks from each other! Which is surprising because we were about 40 minutes from home! lol Well the next day she comes over (after running into a parked car with her bike lol don't know how she did that one) but we became pretty close and went through a lot together. A few years later she met a young man and ran off to work the carnivals with him and some friends. We lost touch and then she moved out of town with a different guy and lived there for about 6 years. In that six years, her mom Maggie and I became very close. I know I held her together for some rough times and she's done the same for me. She's my best friend even though there are many years in between us. She's the only one that truly understands me in ways my family doesn't. That's not a bad thing now sometimes there are things you just don't discuss with your family. Maggie is very sweet and giving. And yesterday she came over with my present. Boy was I surprised. I opened the envelope to find pictures of my baby Lily from the hospital! I was shocked! I didn't expect that at all and of course I started tearing up cause we couldn't afford to buy them and out of all 4 kids hers were the best! She's like did you look in the envelope. Well i did but I didn't notice the other piece in there. It was the locket I had wanted so bad! We were going to buy it and decided to wait and get a gold one with 4 slots so i could put all 4 kids in there. Well she got the one from the hospital with Lily's hospital picture in it for me! Of course I started to cry till i put it on and it fell off! lol the chain is small and the ring where it goes in was open a bit so it came disconnected :( I got it fixed and it's holding. I'm going to take it to Walmart with me and see if they will help me fix it permantely. It won't cost much or if anything cause it doesn't need anything but to be sealed off properly and they can do that there with a lot more expertise than I could. But I was shocked and I can't stop looking at Lily. She's gotten so big and it's not till you look at those newborn pictures and say wow. She's crawling and standing and cruising and wow. Last year at this time i was complaining cause i didn't get any cake or anything. lol I was pregnant still and had gestational diabetes. Can't have cake then! And now she's walking and eating my bday cake! Well here are a couple pics of my present so you all can see what I'm talking about.
Lisa and I met at Six Flags the year I was 15. There was a dance club there and we just happened to be dancing in the same group and started talking. We realized we lived just blocks from each other! Which is surprising because we were about 40 minutes from home! lol Well the next day she comes over (after running into a parked car with her bike lol don't know how she did that one) but we became pretty close and went through a lot together. A few years later she met a young man and ran off to work the carnivals with him and some friends. We lost touch and then she moved out of town with a different guy and lived there for about 6 years. In that six years, her mom Maggie and I became very close. I know I held her together for some rough times and she's done the same for me. She's my best friend even though there are many years in between us. She's the only one that truly understands me in ways my family doesn't. That's not a bad thing now sometimes there are things you just don't discuss with your family. Maggie is very sweet and giving. And yesterday she came over with my present. Boy was I surprised. I opened the envelope to find pictures of my baby Lily from the hospital! I was shocked! I didn't expect that at all and of course I started tearing up cause we couldn't afford to buy them and out of all 4 kids hers were the best! She's like did you look in the envelope. Well i did but I didn't notice the other piece in there. It was the locket I had wanted so bad! We were going to buy it and decided to wait and get a gold one with 4 slots so i could put all 4 kids in there. Well she got the one from the hospital with Lily's hospital picture in it for me! Of course I started to cry till i put it on and it fell off! lol the chain is small and the ring where it goes in was open a bit so it came disconnected :( I got it fixed and it's holding. I'm going to take it to Walmart with me and see if they will help me fix it permantely. It won't cost much or if anything cause it doesn't need anything but to be sealed off properly and they can do that there with a lot more expertise than I could. But I was shocked and I can't stop looking at Lily. She's gotten so big and it's not till you look at those newborn pictures and say wow. She's crawling and standing and cruising and wow. Last year at this time i was complaining cause i didn't get any cake or anything. lol I was pregnant still and had gestational diabetes. Can't have cake then! And now she's walking and eating my bday cake! Well here are a couple pics of my present so you all can see what I'm talking about.

1 comment:
that is so awesome Cindi!
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