Today I thought I had to say something in this blog. I've been so emotional for a month. Lily turns 1 today. How did this happen? I still feel like I should be giving birth to her and not giving her cake! She's so tiny and I love her so much. I don't know what it is about Lily with me. Is it cause she was only 5 lbs 13 oz and 18 inches long? Was it the diabetes and all the prepration I had to do before she came and everything I went through? Is it the nights I was awake with her reflux acting up. All the burping and puking on me? I wasn't like this with the other 3. A little teary but not like this. This is full blown tears almost daily.

She started out like this.

Everyone coming to see her at the hospital. This is Barb my step mom holding her. This is one of my fav. pics. Her little foot was just hanging out there lol My mom was there too.

My mom with her. Now Lily is named after my mother. My mom is one of the strongest women I know. She's been through so much. She has 4 daughters, went through breast cancer, diabetes, heart problems (blood pressure) and then a stroke. She's doing great and still fighting! Now my mothers name is Barb (yes just like my step mom lol) her middle name is Lilly. We just changed the spelling on it. I thought Lily like the flower was appropriate and so it went. Like the beautiful woman above and the beautiful flower as well :) That's my step dad Alan in the background there as well. He has stuck by my mother through everything and really takes care of her. Most men would have left already. But this is what you call love. I'm a very blessed woman cause I have wonderful parents. My step mom and dad I love as I do my own parents. I'm lucky cause I can honestly say I have 2 sets of parents that I love. Most only get one set :)

My father with Lily. It's always funny to see him holding such a small baby. But he did it 3 times before :) And of course the other grandbabies as well. He's just a gentle man and most babies love him (as far as i've seen except Katie she was scared of him after she turned a year but she was scared of men in general not just my father)

One of my beautiful sisters! This was at the hospital. Kathleen was holding her here :) I have pics with the others too but that's another day. This is for her bday :)

This is Maggie with her at the hospital. Maggie is my best friend and it touches me she was there for this. She waited anxiously for us to call her to tell her she was there. Boy she came up fast too lol And now she's a grandma of another baby Peyton. Her daughter had her baby in August :) Lily will have a friend to play with!

Don't look at the fat blob in the bed. That was just a little later in the day when she was born. That is of course mom and dad :) (my hair is past my shoulders now lol)

First smiles

Hailey's bday right before Christmas. Katie was holding her one of my all time favs.

Don't ask. I took the picture and she made that face! lol

This is her now! Can you believe it? I'm just lost without that small cute cuddly baby in the house. Now she smacks, head butts (it's not funny it hurts! lol) and she's eating everything in sight. She steals your food and is a typical 1 year old. She's crawling, trying to walk, she stands up in the middle of the floor unassisted and does the so big cause she's excited. Soon she's going to run off and she's really not a baby anymore :( I know they have to grow up but can't it take a little longer?
Well anyway, Happy Birthday to my bright eyed beautiful baby girl! May you have this one and many more beautiful birthdays with us!

She started out like this.

Everyone coming to see her at the hospital. This is Barb my step mom holding her. This is one of my fav. pics. Her little foot was just hanging out there lol My mom was there too.

My mom with her. Now Lily is named after my mother. My mom is one of the strongest women I know. She's been through so much. She has 4 daughters, went through breast cancer, diabetes, heart problems (blood pressure) and then a stroke. She's doing great and still fighting! Now my mothers name is Barb (yes just like my step mom lol) her middle name is Lilly. We just changed the spelling on it. I thought Lily like the flower was appropriate and so it went. Like the beautiful woman above and the beautiful flower as well :) That's my step dad Alan in the background there as well. He has stuck by my mother through everything and really takes care of her. Most men would have left already. But this is what you call love. I'm a very blessed woman cause I have wonderful parents. My step mom and dad I love as I do my own parents. I'm lucky cause I can honestly say I have 2 sets of parents that I love. Most only get one set :)

My father with Lily. It's always funny to see him holding such a small baby. But he did it 3 times before :) And of course the other grandbabies as well. He's just a gentle man and most babies love him (as far as i've seen except Katie she was scared of him after she turned a year but she was scared of men in general not just my father)

One of my beautiful sisters! This was at the hospital. Kathleen was holding her here :) I have pics with the others too but that's another day. This is for her bday :)

This is Maggie with her at the hospital. Maggie is my best friend and it touches me she was there for this. She waited anxiously for us to call her to tell her she was there. Boy she came up fast too lol And now she's a grandma of another baby Peyton. Her daughter had her baby in August :) Lily will have a friend to play with!

Don't look at the fat blob in the bed. That was just a little later in the day when she was born. That is of course mom and dad :) (my hair is past my shoulders now lol)

First smiles

Hailey's bday right before Christmas. Katie was holding her one of my all time favs.

Don't ask. I took the picture and she made that face! lol

This is her now! Can you believe it? I'm just lost without that small cute cuddly baby in the house. Now she smacks, head butts (it's not funny it hurts! lol) and she's eating everything in sight. She steals your food and is a typical 1 year old. She's crawling, trying to walk, she stands up in the middle of the floor unassisted and does the so big cause she's excited. Soon she's going to run off and she's really not a baby anymore :( I know they have to grow up but can't it take a little longer?
Well anyway, Happy Birthday to my bright eyed beautiful baby girl! May you have this one and many more beautiful birthdays with us!
awe...that made me cry....HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILY!
Happy Birthday Lily! Cindi~ really enjoy them now because before you know it, they'll be grown up and out on their own! Thanks for sharing the pics, you have beautiful girls!
This is a really cute blog, I can't believe she is a year old already. Lily, I hope you have a happy birthday!
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