Thursday, January 29, 2009

3 Snow Days in a row!

3 snow days in a row! Enough to drive mom and dad to their knees! lol The kids loved it and I didn't have anything better to do than take pictures! Ha you believed that? he he he

My tongue doesn't want to stay that way for the picture!

Katie took this, quite good with a camera for a 10 year old isn't she?

Trouble :)

Lily and Daddy

Don't mind Katie's plumber pants :)



Another sweet one of Lily that Katie took.

Another cutie :) Another Katie masterpiece and if you look hard behind the baby gate is Emelina :)

The video, not sure how it'll turn out when it's done processing but It's Lily dancing in her daddies arms. She's hilarious. Music comes on and she just goes crazy!!

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