Friday, February 20, 2009

It's been a crazy couple of weeks

First our van is going south. Unfortunately, the mechanics that looked at it both said it's repairable but not worth the money spent. So that's going to be gone soon. The heater went out in it and the little car doesn't have one so it's going to be a cold rest of the winter! The kids are doing good. Driving mommy crazy all the time. It's like I never get a moments peace anymore. I think they are getting worse! lol I have some family members going through some rough patches and I say prayers and worry about them daily. But all in all everyone is pretty healthy so that is a blessing. I finally started making scrap kits again. I'm not selling anything though so it kind of sucks but hey, with the economy these days scrap kits or food/gas? I'll keep on trucking cause every 1.00 helps right! I'll get some new pictures of the kids in the next day or so up. Katie has a play coming up too!

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