Ok, this is just a vent. I'm no means going to do this lol. I"m normal and SANE. But maybe I should take fertility drugs (anyone that knows me knows i don't have to do that) and have 8 babies on top of my struggling 4 and maybe I'll get a new house and nurses to help me care for them for free! Maybe then my hard working husband can not look for a job and someone else will take care of us! You know that octomom is a selfish b*****. she used tax payers money to have the ivf treatments, had them implant 6 had 8 babies and now everything is being handed to her! On a GOLD platter!
We are a struggling family. 4 young girls and it's hard! That woman had no business having those babies! I can see a family planning accident with one baby not working but 8?? She saved her CHILDRENS disability money and used it for ivf treatments and had 8 more? Not working, with no cares about her other 6 children 3 of which are disabled? Come on now!!
This is why people get angry. My husband is a hard worker, he's a good provider. He does the best he can. We can't afford day care. By the time I get clothes, a car, gas, food and a job with daycare it'll cost more to work than I would bring home! It's not worth it! Plus he wants me home with the kids! And I do too! I do a little side stuff (digi scrapping, surveys) that helps with gas sometimes. It's not a lot but it helps. I don't save my childrens money and spend it on myself for selfish things!
Why not buy me a house? Why not take care of my children? Why don't I deserve it? Now my normal sane brain knows people aren't doing this for her they are doing it for the babies and yes they deserve it. But the other side (my heart) just can't understand why we can't catch a break when we are honest, loving hard working parents! My husband looses his job, can't find anything else and we just bought our trailer and a van! If they would have been honest with us 2 weeks ago we hadn't done that!
So you tell me. What is this Octomom going to learn? I bet they'll be out of that house soon. She won't be able to afford the taxes on it. I pray for those babies because they will have a miserable life. No mother by herself can raise 14 kids with help. And i'm not talking nanny help either!
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