Tuesday, April 14, 2009


It's been a long hard month so far. Easter weekend really really sucked! It started Saturday morning at 4:00 with katie running down the hallway yelling, "fire mom fire!!" Well I jumped out of bed and there was no fire and I got confused (still half asleep) when she yelled, "no mom, Maggies house is on fire!" That's our neighbors little girl, took me half a second to look out the window and see smoke coming from their house. I called 911 and we went on the back porch to see if John got out. I was so scared he hadn't gotten out since his car was sitting out front. He had gotten out thankfully, and other than some smoke inhalation and a couple minor burns he's fine. But his house isn't. It's bad. The fire started with an electrical cord. Apparently, a month before they had a flood before his wife and kids moved out. The extension cord that started the whole thing had gotten wet and was a time bomb waiting to go off. Well the trailer is trash it's still sitting out there and looks so sad :( I'm still having problems sleeping. We weren't real close to Cherie and John but their little one was just a couple months younger than Lily and we were excited that we had each other in this little area cause of the kids.


Then on Easter, we get up to no water pressure at all. I go outside and look under the trailer and bam the pipe is busted!! We did get it fixed but what fun was that! lol Yesterday, Ginger had her surgery. She's now fully vetted and spayed and will eventually be happy :)


Here are some random pictures of the kids. And at the end 2 videos of Josue and Lily :)





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