Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April is it spring?

St Louis was hit so hard by tornados this spring. The storms have been crazy! The rivers are high. 1600 lost their homes or have to piece them together again. More will be lost in the flooding that's already happening. Please say some prayers for these people. Two of them happen to be my elderly grandparents. We were scared there for a bit but they are fine just shook up.

My foot has been bothering me as well. Same thing happened in October. Apparently i'm having a flare up! They said this is a common problem with RA. Well great. So now i'm on vicodin for pain and i have to go out and buy an expensive pair of running shoes for better support. They work better than inserts and my other shoes fit perfectly so they'd be to small with inserts. This is fun huh? Vicodin just seems to make me loopey lol. Pain isn't gone it's just taking the edge off. But i can walk on the foot again with the edge being gone. We'll see how long this lasts.

Gah, can't things go right? Although the sun is out today, the kids are healthy some happy and I guess that's all we can ask for in life right?

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