Saturday, July 11, 2009


I was emptying the dishwasher and making tea when i heard this little meow! Sookie was having her kitten in the middle of my hallway! well i grab the basket i had prepared, the clean towels (just in case i needed them) and ran down there and put them both in th basket. well she took that baby and went into josue's closet! oh no! lol i left her alone figured that was safer for her and baby till she was done but she left that baby alone and went into my hallway 5 minutes later and had number 2!!! so i finally got both babies and mom locked into the kids room with the literbox, food, and of course basket with babies. Well an hour and a half later she has number 3!! they are so cute and tiny! Well we thought she was done, she was looking slim and was eating and was comfortable. But no it wasn't over! Right before josue came home at 5:30 she had number 4!!! Omg they are all so cute and tiny!! I took pictures, don't worry i put them on the clean mattress that's up against the wall (my daughter freaked mom they could fall down there uh duh kid you know it's against the wall and i'm right there!! lol) and then i had the 2 in my hands cause the one is almost all black but has tan rings around it's eyes and a little brown on its' rump, and the other one i was holding in my hand has 6 toes like it's daddy does!! lol it's so funny!!!! Anywho, i posted pictures and will keep this updated for those that would like to know how thy are doing. in 8 to 10 weeks we will be finding them homes. so if you live in th area or know of anyone let us know!

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