Saturday, November 14, 2009

Venting post

Ok, this is just a vent! But why is it that a large school district gets 1,800 h1n1 vaccines, has a fridge malfunction and then receive 2500 more when our district hasn't gotten any yet. We are in a large district as well. It doesn't make any sense really. Why are those children more important than ours? I know it's not their fault, it was a fridge malfunction. It could have happened to anyone. I don't blame them for that. But why do they get more, when some schools haven't had the chance to get any?

Now my children have had one of their shots. So we are luckier than a lot of families around here. So it's not really my family I'm upset for. It's for their friends who are getting swine flu, getting sick and being out of school for 2 weeks! Thankfully, none of their friends had severe cases that we are aware of. But they all need these shots and we all need equal chances at them. Personally Jefferson county is doing very well handing them out. Better than the county from what I see. But still it would be nice that our kids can have a chance at the school level to get one as well.

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