Wednesday, January 13, 2010

25 weeks!

He's doing great! He's 1 lb 7 oz and is in the 32cd percentile which they say is excellent especially since I'm diabetic and insulin dependent! He has no birth defects that can be seen (he's perfect!) He was flipping and a flopping and yes he's still breech. And I've been such a nervous nelly for weeks cause there are times I can't feel him move! Well that's cause the placenta is anterior (it's in the front) but it's high so they aren't to worried :)

And yes he's still a boy! lol Darn pregnancy nightmares! Getting together items for a boy is harder than I thought especially since i keep expecting them to say his bits fell off!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great to hear baby is doing great as is the mother! Woohoo! a boy to add to all those girls! Congrats again dear Cindi!