Yes she's 13. Yes her father and I allowed her to get 3 piercings. Yes I know some don't approve of that. But she's my daughter not yours. Not all 13 year olds could handle them. She can, she also earned them. She's been begging for 2 years, and yes I know 11 would have been really bad. We told her to wait till 13 for her nose and 14 for the other 2. But well we are 4 months shy of 14. We had the money, she earned the right to have them and is taking excellent care of them. She also didn't pick out huge things that are gaudy or anything. The lip one is a little big but it's the smallest they had. In 4 months she can change it to a little one or a ring or something she likes. But we told her already nothing guady or in your face if you know what I mean.
Yesterday, she went to school for the first time with them. The teachers and staff said nothing at all to her. She's still the same kid, just with a few more holes after all. But some of the kids were cruel. Jealous much? Yep, one kid said she was now ugly. Well, maybe you don't like piercings but she does. Few told her she was lucky and that was awesome! But one kid told her she had a 3 piercing limit and if she got anymore even if it's her ear she was going to pull it out! Aggressive much? Sounds like a kid wanting to go to juvie if you ask me. I don't think this particular kid would do it but it still pissed me off that was said. Katie has been wanting these piercings like I said for over 2 years now. This girl and her sister have been pretty cruel to katie and have called her a copy cat (only one sister has her nose pierced) the other wants her lip done. Actually, katie told this sister she wanted it done a long time ago and I remember her saying no she didn't want it but of course with growing up a bit now she does. So all the sudden katie is a copycat. Uh how? Katie got it done first. And who cares? 2 or 3 people can have the same tastes as each other. Doesn't make it a copy cat. Katie has been begging for a guitar since she was about 5 years old. Seriously. BEGGING! this girl had no interest until she found out katie did. Now for her defense, she's doing rather good with it from what I hear. I'm proud of her. Music and instrument playing is good for all kids. Keeps them out of trouble, gives them something positive to strive for. but she got her guitar first. And rubbed it into Katie's face. Well we didn't want to trade, and didn't want a used one for her. She got a bottom line Fender, but it's a fender!! Katie is so excited with her Fender. That's one of the top guitars other than a Dean. But Katie got the fender and she abosolutely loves it! She's learning on her own till we can afford lessons. they aren't cheap.
Well that's my rant, Just blowing off steam. These two really should get it together. they both have that rocker look (katie has had it for years and this other girl has kind of migrated into it for her love of music) they both like the same bands (avenged sevenfold, etc) and they are both learning guitar. they should put a band together! Instead of fighting with each other and being jealous of each other!
Kids, i swear sometimes I just don't understand them lol